Stop! Before you upload your agreement to the Procurement Contract Portal you should ask your vendor for the following information:

  1. The legal name of the company. This is the name you should input as the “Vendor Company”.
  2. The start and end date of the contract. The start date is not the date that you upload the agreement to the portal.
  3. If a Vendor Disclosure Statement is required (contracts over $5,000 and all Professional Service Agreements) the name and email address of the person who will complete that form for the vendor. You will need this information to initiate the Vendor Disclosure Statement form. Remember, you need a completed Vendor Disclosure Statement to submit in the Contract Portal.
  4. The name and email address of the person who is authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the vendor. This is the information you should input as the “Vendor Signer”.
  5. What is the name and email address of the person from the vendor’s company that Contract Management should contact with questions? This is the information you should input for the “Vendor Contact”.

Uploading the correct information at the beginning of the process helps Contract Management execute your agreement in a timely manner.