Advertising ApprovalA copy of your approved budget confirmation from Strategic Communications.
Attending Faculty/Business PurposeDepartment events in which faculty/staff are attending and a business purpose is required.
Board of Trustee ApprovalAn internal document used by Contract Management.
Contract Amendment/AddendumA previous amendment/addendum to the contract you are currently submitting.
Contract DocumentAny document not already included in this list that relates to the contract. This can include the agreement you are submitting for signature.
Independent Contractor FormTax office form completed if the service provider is an individual (or sole proprietor).
Institutional/ Review Board PacketAn internal document used by Contract Management.
IT FormAn informational form that must be completed for all software contracts.
Previous ContractA previous contract with the same vendor for the same services.
Signed AgreementAn internal document used to identify your fully signed contract.
Sole Source Justification LetterThe request to Purchasing for exemption from Alabama Bid Law requirements.
Sponsorship Approval FormA copy of your approved budget confirmation from Strategic Communications.
Strategic Communications ApprovalA copy of your approved budget confirmation from Strategic Communications.
Vendor Disclosure StatementWith very few exceptions, the Vendor submitted form for contracts over $5,000. Vendor should provide a copy for submission.
Vice President of Student Life ApprovalEmail from the office of the VPSL indicating approval of the contract. Applies to all departments that fall under Student Life.