How to Contract for Professional Services

Are you responsible for submitting Professional Services Agreements and Guest Speaker Agreements?  If so, we want to help you!  The Professional Services Guidelines webpage is a great resource for viewing basic requirements, the submittal process, the review and signature, and for guidance on the payment processing. In addition, we have included below some common mistakes that we see with the PSA and GSA:

  • PSAs/ GSAs must be submitted before the date of service.
  • An Independent Contractor form that has been approved by the tax department will need to be attached (when contracting with an individual).
  • The dates of service and amount to be paid must match in the PSA/GSA and IC form (if applicable).
  • If the contractor provided you with a document that requires signature, do not initiate a PSA/GSA. Submit the document through the Contract Portal for review and approval.

We are also working on a new training course. Stay tuned for information about PSA and GSA training opportunities!