Travel Policy for Non‐University Personnel (Vendor)

The travel policies and procedures apply fully to vendors who are not University faculty or staff, but who are to be reimbursed by the University for University‐approved travel, including transportation, lodging, and other travel‐related costs. Funds to support such contracted travel are commonly limited by departmental budgets and/or the terms of sponsored programs. Vendors should submit projected budgets for preliminary review.

The University is committed to, within reasonable and practical limitations, and with the appropriate documentary support from Vendors, reimbursing travelers for out of pocket expenses as quickly as possible. Vendors are required by The University to present an invoice or provide supporting documentation for the expenses. The University’s method of payment is by direct deposit. Online Vendor Registration will need to be completed upon acceptance of the contract.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the travel policies at any time. Any changes will be effective upon posting of the policies on the University’s website and may be made without any other notice of any kind. You are responsible for complying with the travel policy.

For a complete description of the University Travel Policies, please review the following links:

UA Travel Policy

Mileage Rates

Traffic and Parking Regulations