• File Formats:  Please submit your contract in an editable file format.  Word documents are preferred.
  • Notes:  Provide a brief explanation of the purpose for the contract and include a risk/benefit analysis.  List out both the pro’s and the con’s to help subsequent reviewers fully understand the situation.
  • Filling in Blanks:  All blanks on contracts should be filled in, this includes, but is not limited to, pricing, dates, and the legal name of the University, which is “The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama.”  Please do NOT fill in the signer’s name.
  • Quality:  The contract should be legible with a clear signature block. If the contract is illegible, request that the vendor send a legible contract, preferably an electronic copy.
  • Details:  All contracts should specify the names of all parties involved, what the obligations/duties are, the payment terms, and a timeframe in which these duties are to be performed.
  • Tax Exemption:  The University sales tax exemption certificate should accompany any contracts or terms and conditions that refer to taxes being added to the purchase.
  • Authorized Signer:  University employees should be mindful of the Board of Trustees signature authority mandate and take steps to ensure it is followed.